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PI Eligibility


If you are a PI, you may receive access to the ML Cloud for your group if you belong to one of the following entities:

Tübingen AI Center

Tübingen AI Center

If you are part of the Tübingen AI Center or you are joining soon, you are eligible to request access to the ML Cloud.

Cluster of Excellence

Cluster of Excellence in Machine Learning

If you are part of the Machine Learning Cluster of Excellence or you are joining soon, you are eligible to request access to the ML Cloud.

Hertie Institute

Hertie Institute

If you are part of the Hertie Institute or you are joining soon, you are eligible to request access to the ML Cloud.

CRC 1233

CRC 1233 "Robust Vision"

If you are part of the CRC or you are joining soon, you are eligible to request access to the ML Cloud.

Getting Access as a New Group

To obtain Research Group Access to the ML Cloud resources please request access through the ticketing system: stating from which organization you are requesting access to (Tübingen AI Center, Machine Learning Cluster of Excellence, Hertie, CRC). We will contact the representatives to confirm your group is eligible for access and then proceed with creating it.

Last update: October 18, 2024
Created: June 21, 2024