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Bash - Quick Startup Guide

The default login shell for your user account is Bash. To determine your current login shell, execute:

echo $SHELL
In general, every time you interactively access an ML Cloud resource, Bash will source either your ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc file.

One important idea is that every interactive sub-shell will source your ~/.bashrc. This means that if you wish to add personal directories to your $PATH, you'll only want do it once. An environment variable (called MYPATH in the example) can be used to enforce this behavior:

# ~/.bashrc            

if [ -z "$MYPATH" ]; then
    export MYPATH=1
    export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH

Changing Your Shell

If you'd like to change your login shell to zsh, submit a ticket through the support system.

Last update: September 9, 2024
Created: September 9, 2024