Contact and Support
The ML Cloud team goal is to provide a sustainable and world-class service to the researchers within the AI Center and Cluster of Excellence, at University of Tübingen. One of our main goals for 2023 is to establish a better communication channel with users and help them execute on their research goals. To that end, the information below should help users contact us or reach for support in regards to their particular needs.
Submit a Ticket
The ML Cloud team operates Monday through Friday, regular working hours, except for holidays where schedule might differ.
You can submit a help desk ticket at any time via the User Portal with the respective cluster; in the Resource field.
The team will respond to your question as quickly as possible, giving priority to requests that are deemed urgent on the basis of the information provided.
Best Practices for Ticket information
Describe your issue as precisely and completely as you can: what you did, what happened, verbatim error messages, other meaningful output.
Artifacts: When appropriate, include the information the ML Cloud team would need to find your artifacts and understand your workflow: e.g. the directory containing your job script; the environment you are using; relevant job numbers; and recent changes in your workflow that could affect or explain the behavior you’re observing.
Attachments: If need be, attach relevant output files or screenshots to the ticket.
Meet the ML CLoud Team
Robert Pennington: robert.pennington(at)
Keroles Khalil: keroles.khalil(at)
Peter Gehler: peter.gehler(at)
ML CLoud Team Office Hours
When: every weekday
Where: Maria-von-linden-strasse 6, Tubingen, Room 10-31/A10 (Peter Gehler) and 10-32/A15 (Robert)
User Chats
Depending on your needs, every week you can schedule an individual user chat with us (either online or in person). Or create a help-desk ticket via support(at)
Mailing List
The ML Cloud has a mailing list to which you can subscribe and get relevant information about general interest items, maintenance, issues, etc.
IMPORTANT: The mailing list is not intended for ticketing (sending problems with the system) to the system administrators. For that purpose, please use the appropriate system: support @