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Group and Account Management

This is a walkthrough for the User Management Platform. For all users, this describes how they can access specific information about their group and resource utilization. For Group Manager(s) assigned by the PI, this describes how they can perform various administrative tasks for their group on the ML Cloud.

Access the Platform

Accessing the User Management Platform

User Management Portal

How to use: Enter your MLCloud username and password in the respective fields.

PIs/Group-Admins: Navigating the User Management Platform

Once logged in, you will be taken to the group dashboard. The dashboard provides an overview of the group users and various administrative tools. Here are some key sections:

PIs: Assigning a Group Manager

The PI can directly request who should be assigned as a Group Manager (can be a single user or multiple) by going to the dashboard->user section -> actions -> user details-> Role:

Assigning a Group Manager

Enter as a role for the user Manager and click update.

PIs/Group-Admins: Adding or Removing Users

The PI or Group Admin is responsible for requesting user accounts for new users and for requesting the decommissioning of users who have left their groups. Decommissioning old users helps free up more quota for existing users, and should be done immediately when users leave (or requested in advance for users who are going to leave on a specific date).

Requesting a New User

To request a new user, please fill out the information about the user in the respective fields.

Requesting User Removal

Either request a new user and fill in the new user details or request the removal of current user accounts.

PIs/Group-Admins: Modifying User Accounts

To extend the duration of a user account, go to the user dashboard in your group, then -> actions -> user details -> user profile and from there change the user expiration date.

Changing User Expiration Date

Changing the account expiration date may be done as many times as needed for a user to reflect changing conditions.

PIs/Group-Admins: Changing a User's Email Account

If the user requires their email account changed in order to receive information and access the ML Cloud, please send us a ticket at

Upcoming Changes to the User Management System

In the next release of the user management system, we will improve the interface and add the ability to request user modification from the system alone. Other features are planned; please contact us

Expected Resource Requirements of the Group

To help the ML Cloud team plan better the purchasing of new infrastructure and design of the systems, please periodically inform us about your changing resource requirements from the user management platform:

Grtoup requirements

Once submitted, we will evaluate all requirements and try to accommodate the groups to the best of our ability.

Last update: September 9, 2024
Created: September 9, 2024